Remains of the Day a la Mary Ann Moss

love love love this!  Beth Kelsey turned me on to Mary Ann Moss and her incredible work.  I’ve been drooling over Beth’s books and even asked Mary Ann to come up and teach a workshop.  No luck on getting her up here any time soon since she has a classroom full of kiddos to teach during the school year…BUT…we’re going to do our own version of Mary Ann’s “Remains of the Day…shabby journal of scraps”

First of all…check out the source by visiting Mary Ann’s blog

I would highly recommend signing up for her online class.  And if you are interested in joining in a group at the studio, come to our 3 session workshop to share supplies and use our sewing machines and generally have fun together.  We’ll be meeting every other Wednesday starting on October 6th from 6-9pm….reply to this blog post if you are interested in joining our group.

7 thoughts on “Remains of the Day a la Mary Ann Moss

  1. Why is there a 7 hour time difference on the posting? I replied at 2:47 pm, but the post shows time as 9:47 pm! Just wondering.

  2. Linda, I have you in the book. I sent an email today too.

    Martha, I’m looking at 2 Sundays because this will take 12 hours to complete. I’m thinking of October 31 from 11-5 and November 14 from 11-5

  3. Andrea,
    Would love to take the weekend classes. This looks like too much fun!! I’ll have to use one of your machines.

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